Thursday, October 16, 2014

BAZAR AllMakes Sampit 22 - 23 Oktober 2014

AllMakes sebagai salah satu leading company penjual sparepart development untuk heavy equipment,  sukses menggelar Customer Gathering di beberapa kota seperti Banjarmasin & Pontianak. Selanjutnya berkesempatan untuk mengadakan BAZAR Spareparts di 5 kota diantaranya Surabaya, Balikpapan, Sampit, Palembang & Pekanbaru.

Bagi anda khusunya yang berada didaerah Palangkaraya, Sampit dan Pangkalan Bun sangat ingin mendapatkan sparepart untuk alat berat dengan harga murah namun dengan kualitas terjamin, jangan lewatkan BAZAR AllMakes Sampit yang akan diadakan pada:

Rabu 22 Oktober 2014 - 23 Oktober 2014
bertempat di Warehouse AllMakes Sampit 
Jl. Jend Sudirman Km 7.2 SAMPIT

Item yang akan dibandrol dengan harga miring diantaranya, Undercarriage (Komatsu, Hitachi, Kobelco, Caterpillar), Tyre (Bridgestone, Pirelli, Achilles, Sportrak, BKT, Trelleborg), Battery (Premium, Heavy Duty, Maintenace Free), Bucket, Grapple, Tooth Bucket, dan lain-lain.

Selain itu anda juga berkesempatan mendapatkan doorprize langsung, selama persediaan masih ada.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bucket & Grapple for KOMATSU, HITACHI, KOBELCO

adalah komponen utama pada excavator yang berfungsi sebagai alat pengeruk material (biasanya tanah, batu, dll).
Karena fungsinya sebagai alat pengeruk, maka bucket haruslah memiliki properties yang baik dan kuat.

AllMakes menyediakan bucket untuk small machine KOMATSU (PC100, PC130, PC200, PC300, PC400), HITACHI (ZX210), KOBELCO (SK200) dan big machine KOMATSU (PC800, PC1250, PC2000, PC3000, PC4000)

adalah komponen pada excavator yang berfungsi sebagai alat pencapit kayu pada sektor logging dan forestry.
Berdasarkan fungsinya grapple dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu:
  • Fix Log Grapple
  • Rotary Log Grapple
AllMakes menyediakan kedua tipe grapple tersebut untuk small maching KOMATSU PC200 dan PC300, serta HITACHI ZX210, KOBELCO SK200.

Jangkauan distribusi kami mulai dari sumatra, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi dan papua.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan konfirmasi order, dapat menghubungi:

Battery AllMakes : Premium, Heavy Duty & Maintenance Free

Battery / Accu berfungsi sebagai sumber energi listrik setiap saat pada kendaraan bermotor sehingga disebut sebagai battery SLI.
  • S : Starting
  • L : Lighting
  • I : Ignation
Accu bekerja dengan mengubah energi kimia menjadi energi listrik dengan komponen utama Lead - Acid.

Berdasarkan kondisi Accu dibagi menjadi:
  • Accu Basah 
  • Accu Kering
  • Accu Maintenance Free
Kami menyediakan 3 tipe accu tersebut dengan product range 50 AH, 70 AH, 100 AH, 120 AH, 150 AH, 200 AH. Adapun tipe battery yang lain menyesuaikan dengan kondisi medan yang dihadapi, seperti daerah jalan aspal, tanah perkebunan atau ektrem pertambangan, dengan varian product sbb:
  • Battery AllMakes PREMIUM >>> low price, efective, effisien (medan aspal, perkebunan, mining)
  • Battery AllMakes HEAVY DUTY >>> moderate price, high endurance (medan perkebunan, mining)
  • Battery AllMakes Maintenance Free >>> high price, high endurance (medan perkebunan, mining)
Applikasi unit:
  • Passanger Car (Hilux, Strada, Triton, Fortuner, Pajero, Ford Ranger, dll)
  • Truck (Truck Sawit dan CPO, Truck Logging, Truck Tambang, dll)
  • Heavy equipment / alat berat (excavator, dozer, motor grader,compactor, articulated dump truck, dll)

Jangkauan distribusi kami mulai dari sumatra, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi dan papua.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan konfirmasi order, dapat menghubungi:

AllMakes Product Range Tire 2014

AllMakes Product Range Tire 2014

Tire atau disebut dengan ban, adalah komponen penting pada sebuah kendaraan baik itu mobil, truck maupun heavy equipment seperti traktor dan BIG Truck. Kami menyediakan berbagai varian brand, tipe, dan ukuran untuk mensupport unit Anda. Adapun varian product kami sebagai berikut:

Jangkauan distribusi kami mulai dari sumatra, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi dan papua.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan konfirmasi order, dapat menghubungi:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Underacarriage adalah bagian dari ecxcavator/ dozer yang berfungsi untuk melakukan gerak travel di atas permukaan tanah.

Kami menyediakan Undercarriage untuk aplikasi unit KOMATSU, CAT, HITACHI, KOBELCO mulai dari 20 ton up.

Jangkauan distribusi kami mulai dari sumatra, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi dan papua.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan konfirmasi order, dapat menghubungi:

AllMakes Profile

Friday, October 10, 2014

9 Bisnis Group AllMakes

Vission & Mission : PT Andalan Multi Kencana (AllMakes)



To be the best company in commodity parts business for heavy equipment & industrial machineries in South East Asia.
Having AllMakes as a global brand.


Sustainable additional value for stakeholders.
Optimum productivity & efficiency.




Our business objectives are defined based on the different entities that are involved in our operations—shareholders, partners, customers, employees, and the nation & communities that surround us—and they are:

  1. To develop a business based on trustworthiness and mutual benefit for customer and partner
  2. To provide the highest quality and most reliable products and services
  3. To uphold the social interest and become part of the environment and society based on good faith and a sense of responsibility

Realizing Sustainability

We strives to present itself as a reliable and sustainable business partner to all our Customers. To realize this commitment, we give following values to our Customers:

  1. Providing replacement parts and other alternatives in accordance to market needs with best Quality, Cost and Delivery (Q,C,D)
  2. Materials & Supply Chain management—the planning and control system to ensure the availability of products as needed and to regulate the supply of spare parts in the cycle of operations
  3. After Sales Support—providing technical support during and after the warranty period to ensure the durability of products
  4. Value-Added System Development—developing a secure and efficient system that provides added value to our customer’s business operations.
  5. Parts Consultancy

Customer Oriented

We continuously develop our products by referring to the demand for heavy equipment spare parts—whether based on territory or on the application machine.
Territorially, the distribution of products is divided into regions based on the management of the domestic and overseas distribution area. Specifically, the categories are based on engine applications in the mining, construction, and forestry sectors.
We are highly concerned about the availability of a wide selection of parts and constantly try, as best as we can, to provide them in high quality and at competitive prices.
This, along with our penchant for a comprehensive and customer needsoriented business analysis, makes us an ideal partner for our customers.

Fulfilling The Needs

With our e xpert’s know-how and capacity to translate customer needs from the engineering perspective into reality as well as the support of a tried-and-trusted business analysis, we are able to provide innovative products. These products are in line with unit operational application standards for machines that have to function in a variety of terrains and environments.
The development of alternative products is based on considerations of cost efficiency, quality, and market segmentation. As a result, the products that we offer are capable of fulfilling our customers’ needs for alternative parts. The products that we develop must always be capable of meeting the needs of each product segmentation identified by us.

Part Supply Partner

We are not an ordinary trading company as we are supported by multi-channel distribution:

  1. Provider of standardized parts for assembling processes to Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) market.
  2. Provider of standardized replacement parts to Original Equipment Supply (OES) market.
  3. Provider of replacement parts to end user Customer both in the retail and fleet market through our distribution network and our dealers that covers a variety of areas both within and outside the country.
One of these programs is the placement of specialized personnel, technical support team and infrastructure in the area of customer operations. Internationally, we have a distribution network covering the Asia Pacific market through our subsidiary company (AllMakes Asia Pacific Pte Ltd) and South American regions.

Assistance Matters

Our strength also lies in its ability to provide technical support to prove the reliability of its products. Moreover, by utilizing our technical support, our customers are able to use our products in a cost effective way.
Positioned at our customer operation areas across Indonesia, our team is ready for on-call service both during and after installation.

Online, On Track

To support the growth of our business, we are continuously upgrading its IT and communications system.
A reliable SAP-based management information system is absolutely essential for our day-to-day operations—it enables us to keep online track of our inventory data, transactions, stock availability and more. I n addition, our IT infrastructure also supports the development of our organization and online recruitment.

Stronger Together

We recognize the important role that the social and ecological environment plays in our existence. This stems from the belief that, as we grow stronger together, so shall the entire nation.
To realize this belief we continually keep our products environmentally friendly and energy efficient, as well as rolling out programs to develop and strengthen our surrounding communities and ecology. These programs include tree planting, blood donation, student scholarships and talent sponsorships.

Company Profile : PT Andalan Multi Kencana (AllMakes)

PT Andalan Multi Kencana, or well known with AllMakes as a company branding, has fast becoming an emerging player in Indonesia’s heavy equipment industry, striving to answer the country’s high demand of high quality spare parts with affordable prices.

Established in 18 February 2010, AllMakes is a subsidiary of PT United Tractors Tbk, one of Astra Group’s largest affiliated companies in Indonesia.

Behind our existence lies more than 10 years of experience in spare parts development, production and product line-up expansion. We have a strong and efficient distribution network that covers most of Indonesia, while overseas territory is covered by several of our representative offices abroad. Competitiveness is further maintained by applying an integrated business strategy that is focused on innovation and supported by skilled and reliable human resources.

All of this, along with our commitment to Quality, Cost, Delivery and Service, has helped us in gaining the trust and loyalty of its customers that spans across the mining, construction and forestry sectors.